Tiptoes Lightly and her friends celebrate the best of the autumn festivals: Michaelmas, Halloween, Martinmas, Advent and Christmas. Many adventures are had and festival tales told: at Michaelmas Farmer John recounts ‘The Most Beautiful Dragon in the Whole World’ to his children, Tom Nutcracker and June Berry, and on Christmas day he reads them ‘The Burden Bull of Scotland’.
Tiptoes also tells tales – her favourites being ‘The Myth of Ella-jah’ which recounts how the animals were created, and the story of ‘The Sun-child and the Birds’ which she tells on Christmas eve.
On the way, Jeremy Mouse meets Olivia who lives inside an olive tree, is frightened at Halloween (by a You-know-what!), and almost drowns in Soggy Mire because the ice is too thin for sliding on – luckily he is saved by Mr. Owl the Vegetarian!
Finally, Tiptoes and Jeremy Mouse build the first, and finest, snow-mouse the world has ever seen.
Capturing the inner mood of nature during autumn and winter, these lavishly illustrated tales are reverent, humorous and sacred.
Suitable for reading to children (kindergarten to grade 3 or 4) or for young children to read (grades 2 to 4).
Soft cover; 102 pages.
"Perfect for reading aloud: This book is thoughtfully written for Waldorf and non-Waldorf educated families. The characters come to life in the stories, and my daughter loves acting out their adventures when she is playing outside. She especially loves Pine Cone and Pepper Pot and can't wait to see what will happen to them next! My daughter and I have so enjoyed our "before bed reading time" of all the Tiptoes Lightly stories. They are perfect read aloud stories that any parent and child will enjoy together." Review