What is Anthroposophy? by Rudolf Steiner

What is Anthroposophy? by Rudolf Steiner

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This is one of those books that can change your life.
Radical, thought-provoking, + indeed mind-boggling, it leads to a completely new way of looking at what it means to be human - a spiritual being in a universe that itself is not just physical, but psychic and spiritual as well. These three previously untranslated lectures are a masterly introduction to what Rudolf Steiner means by "anthroposophy." They explain why Steiner describes this path-which means literally "the wisdom of the human being"- as one that "unites what is spiritual in the human being with what is spiritual in the universe."
Steiner begins by describing what happens when we die. He shows the relationship between our physical life on earth + the etheric, astral, + spiritual life of the cosmos. He also explains how physical lives are completely interwoven with cosmic existence, and how the "miss-ing links" in evolution are spiritual in nature.
Steiner then demonstrates what he calls the "dilettantism" and "soullessness" of mainstream psychology. He points out that since the second half of the nineteenth century the idea of the soul has been lost, and that, consequently, understanding of our inner lives is without a sure foundation. A quite different view, however, emerges from a truly spiritual perspective.
In the third lecture, Steiner takes as his guide our three states of being - waking, dreaming, + sleeping. He describes in detail what happens in these three states, + how each is bound up with our lives as physical, psychic, + spiritual beings. With the profound insights in this book, the world becomes a much larger, richer, + more exciting place to live.