This illustrated collection of behaviour tales offers story medicine as a creative strategy for parenting, teaching + counselling. Following the alphabet from A to Z, each behaviour is identified in the story title: angry, anxious, bullying, demanding, fussy, greed, jealous ... loud, obnoxious, quibbling, uncooperative + more.
Covering a range of universal challenges, the stories, some humorous, some more serious, are suitable for three to nine years - and the child in every adult.
All 42 stories begin with an undesirable or out-of-balance situation +, through the use of metaphor + an imaginative story journey, lead to a more desirable resolution. In this way, story medicine also has the potential for nurturing positive values.
Stories may not be magic pills that have powers to fix or heal all difficulties, but they can be a wonderful + more pleasant alternative to nagging + lecturing. And sometimes magic' does happen and a story does make a difference!